(Southeastern European Network in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics)

II International School on Modern Trends in Mathematical Physics

06.09. - 11.09.2008, Varna, Bulgaria

Satellite activity of the EU RTN-network
`Basic Constituents, Fundamental Forces and Symmetries of the Universe'
annual meeting, 11 - 17 September 2008, Varna, Bulgaria

General Information

The school is intended to contribute to the interdisciplinary graduate training, to the internationalization of physics education of students and of talented young scientists by offering advanced graduate courses to be held in English. These courses include specialized topics covering latest developments in the fields of research within the scope of activity of the EU RTN and are intended to make the participation of young people in the RTN annual meeting more efficient. It is expected the participants to be mainly from the Balkan region and the EU RTN nodes, and also from regions outside both networks.

Invited lecturers

   R. Blumenhagen (MPI, Munich)
   F. Denef (Harvard University)
   A. Linde (Stanford University)
   R. Kallosh (University of Munich)
   E. Sokatchev (LAPTH, Annecy and CERN)
   R. Szabo (Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh)

Each lecturer will present an introductory course of two to four lectures related to the topics of the RTN meeting.

International Advisory Committee

G.Altarelli (Rome), L.Alvarez-Gaume (CERN, Geneva), M.Arik (Istanbul), E.Dudas (Universite de Paris-Sud), S.Randjbar-Daemi (ICTP, Trieste), J.Louis (DESY, Hamburg), D.Luest (MPI Munich), G.Senjanovic (ICTP, Trieste), I.Todorov (INRNE, Sofia), G.Zoupanos (NTU, Athens)

International Organizing Committee

B.Aneva (INRNE, Sofia), M.Buric (University of Belgrade), R.Constantinescu (University of Crajova), G.Djordjevic (University of Nis), P.Fiziev (University of Sofia), G.Grahovski (INRNE, Sofia), L.Jonke (R.B.Institute, Zagreb), R.Rashkov (University of Sofia), N.Stoilov (University of Sofia), V.Tsanov (University of Sofia)

Main Organizer - INRNE, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Co-organizer - Faculty of Physics, University Sofia


Local Sponsors

INRNE, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Faculty of Physics, University Sofia
Union of Physicists in Bulgaria
Balkan Union of Physicists

International Sponsors

Eropean Physical Society
ICTP Trieste
Eropean Mathematical Society


The school will be held at the International House of Scientists, St.St.Konstantin and Elena, Varna, Bulgaria.  43° 13' 52.15"N 28° 00' 43.23"E.
Travel suggestions.

Participants and Financial Support

The school is open to all physics graduate and PhD students, and young researchers who may be interested in the topics (and of course senior scientists as well). We expect the majority of the participants to be from the region and Europe. The organizers will try to cover the expenses of students from the Balkan Network countries. A limited number of grants for other participants could also possible. Participants who need financial support should register as early as possible.
Participants from the Network node countries and outside the Network, applying for financial support, should state it in the registration form. A recommendation from the supervisor (addressed to the school e-mail) is welcome.
(Individual Grants - We encourage students eligible for support by EPS and EMS to apply directly for the individual grants.)
List of the registered by now participants


Students will be accommodated in the nearby hotel "Chaika".
The prices:
A two-bed shared room with breakfast: Lv 40 (&euro 21) per person.
A single room with breakfast: Lv 64 (&euro 33) (can be booked upon indication in the registration form.)


Deadline 31.07.2008
Registration form


Boyka Aneva
INRNE, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,
72, Tzarigradsko chaussee,
1784 Sofia, Bulgaria
tel.+3592 979 5649
fax+3592 975 36 19
e-mail: [email protected]